Monday, October 19, 2020

It's Evaluate Your Life Day and National Clean Your Virtual Desktop Day

 According to checkiday, Evaluate Your Life Day was created "to encourage everyone to check and see if they're really headed where they want to be.  Once we examine where we are succeeding and where we need to improve in different aspects of our life, while also evaluating where we want to be and if we are on the path to get there, we are much more likely to achieve our goals."

Okay, honestly, that sounds exhausting to me.  How many of us have a plan like that?  Don't hold your plans too tightly because ultimately, we don't control much.  Have you seen this meme?  "So in retrospect, in 2015, not a single person got the answer right to "Where do you see yourself 5 years from now?"

Proverbs 19:21  Many are the plans in a person's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails.

Having said that, I think I'll continue to focus on cleaning up my virtual desktop.  I have a little more control over that, although, One Drive and I hate each other.  Come to think of it, my experience this year shows that I don't have as much control over this as I think I do either.  I've lost files that One Drive said it saved but didn't so cleaning my virtual desktop is definitely a work in progress!

How are things going with you?  I am curious about the life plan thing.  I know when my kids were at home, there were days I got halfway through the alphabet with my "plan for the day."

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