Monday, September 7, 2020

Happy Labor Day & Grandma Moses Day

 In this time of testing, those of us who have a job need to be thankful because many jobs have been lost due to pandemic-related closings.

Proverbs 16:26  The appetite of laborers works for them; their hunger drives them on.

It's Grandma Moses Day, an example of someone who never ceased from labor.  I am unclear why NY Governor Nelson Rockefeller created Grandma Moses Day on her 100th birthday.  (She lived to be 101.)  Mrs. Moses started painting in her 50's but really focused on painting in her mid-70's when she could no longer do needlework.  In 1938, a collector bought all of her finished paintings and they were displayed the following year at the Museum of Modern Art in NYC.  Grandma Moses was "born."  She painted almost 1500 paintings before her death in 1961.  She is quoted as saying, "Painting's not important.  The important thing is keeping busy."  She would want us to remember that it's never too late to start something new, learn something, do something.

Celebrate Google Commemoration Day, Google's birthday, by searching for paintings by Grandma Moses. is the most visited website in the world.  I know all my Web searches start there.

The picture is of a painting, Country Fair, by Grandma Moses.

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