Monday, September 21, 2020

It's World Gratitude Day & Pause the World Day

Gratitude, appreciation, thankfulness - just thinking these words is calming.  Close your eyes and breathe.

World Gratitude Day goes hand-in-hand with Pause the World Day.  Not pause the world, I want to get off.  Pause the world and take a break from stress, pause and do something to relax.  Here are some suggestions from checkiday.

Sit with a cup of tea or coffee (it's also National Chai Day)

Get out in nature - listen to the sounds of the birds, trees, and animals (or use YouTube)

Take the day off

Don't check your phone all day

Don't respond to any emails or return any messages (probably should take the day off)

Practice yoga

Meditate (on the Word of God that gives peace)

Have a picnic or go out for dinner


Take a long bath or sit in a hot tub

Watch a funny movie or listen to your favorite music

H.G. Wells was born on this date some years back.  Enjoy some sci-fi today while you relax - but not the scary stressful kind.

It's also Miniature Golf Day but I don't consider that relaxing so we'll talk about it another day.

Philippians 4:8  Finally brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things.

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