Monday, May 25, 2020

It's Memorial Day and Towel Day

Towel Day refers to Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams.  I watched the movie once, never read the book; it's not my taste.  But apparently, carrying a towel has some significance to the book.  My take on Towel Day is a reference to the day many pools usually open.  I heard this Summer some public pools will remain closed because they can't manage social distancing.  I hope our world is back to a better semblance of normal next Summer.  This Summer we will have to suffice with backyard pools and sprinklers.

Memorial Day.  A day to remember those military personnel who gave their lives to protect us and to celebrate their lives and sacrifices.

Israel had a similar celebration of the Lord's protection and deliverance.
Exodus 12:42  Because the Lord kept vigil that night to bring them out of Egypt, on this night all the Israelites are to keep vigil to honor the Lord for the generations to come.

1 comment:

  1. Text from Katherine to Dad (Denny): Dad, nothing will ever replace you but today marks the start of something new. Today, Forrest picked up a dresser for me and will take it to the school tomorrow for me. I no longer need you to be my moving man. #istillloveyou
    Not Memorial Day related but definitely memorable.
