Friday, May 29, 2020

It's National Biscuit Day & National Heat Awareness Day

Biscuits for breakfast - sausage, country ham, with gravy.
Biscuits for lunch - chicken
Biscuits for dinner - plain, Cheddar Bo (at Bojangle's).
Biscuits are so versatile.
Have a biscuit today.

I was thinking it's a little early for National Heat Awareness Day but it's a precautionary day.  Remember, as we enter into hotter weather, drink plenty of water and take breaks when you're out in the heat.

Genesis 8:22  As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease.

1 comment:

  1. Earlier in the week, Katherine decided to try her hand at a bread recipe in the bread machine.
    Amanda: I'm impressed you found yeast and bread flour.
    Katherine: It just said flour - it didn't say bread flour...or yeast. I'm very nervous now.
    (But it's ok, she was making banana bread.)
