Tuesday, August 18, 2020

It's Mail Order Catalog Day & National Fajita Day

 Once upon a time many years ago, before the Internet, there were mail order catalogs.  They were filled with wondrous pictures of lovely things - anything your heart desired.  We eagerly looked forward to their arrival and would spend hours pouring over their pages.  The pictures of beautiful and helpful things filled our dreams and once in a while we even ordered something.  Eventually the catalogs would make their way into the children's hands and little girls would cut things out and play paper dolls and house with the pretty pictures.  My cousin, Elaine, and I would choose our "husband" and "children and outfit them and our houses. We had hours of imaginative fun with the Sears, Montgomery Ward, and Penney's catalogs.

Then one day, the Internet appeared and subtly, over time, took control.  It turned our catalogs into Amazon.  Now we spend more money because ordering is just a click away and there's no time to think before you purchase.  But the saddest part is the loss of our paper doll world.

Fear not!  Mail order catalogs are resilient and they still exist.  Visit Shopping Kim's blog post for a List of 100+ Free Catalogs.  Soon your mail box can be overflowing with junk mail of your choosing.

Now, let's get some fajitas to celebrate.

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