Monday, January 27, 2020

Happy National Chocolate Cake Day and Happy National Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day

Everyone should be happy with one or the other of these two things to celebrate.

Who doesn't love chocolate cake?  Well, there are a few in my family who don't prefer chocolate so I will have to eat their pieces.  If you use dark chocolate, isn't it healthier?  So chocolate cake can be good for you.

What better way to get out frustrations than by popping bubble wrap?  Did you know that bubble wrap was originally intended to be wallpaper?  Can you imagine how crazy that would drive you?  Especially if you were told not to pop the wallpaper.  Everyone would know immediately if you disobeyed; the noise would give you away.  The walls would have to be replaced weekly!  It's amazing how many things were invented by accident.  If you can't get your hands on some bubble wrap, see if you can find a free Chuzzles game to play online.  Popping chuzzles is as much fun as popping bubble wrap.

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