Sunday, January 12, 2020

Happy National Hot Tea Day & National Sunday Supper Day

Are you a coffee drinker or a tea connoisseur?  What's your favorite flavor of tea?  Do you prefer tea already in bags or loose?

Will you celebrate by dressing up and having a tea party?  Hopefully, not by dumping it into the ocean like the patriots of long ago!

The TEA Council of the USA is having a sweepstakes.  It runs until January 31, 2020 so there's still time to enter and you can enter multiple times!  The prize is $500, a year's supply of tea, and a tea mug.  To see instructions on how to enter go to the IndividualiTEA website.  They want a picture or video showing how you enjoy your tea.

And plan to celebrate National Sunday Supper Day by eating.  Invite someone to dine with you.  You can even sing for your supper.


  1. I love sleepytime tea by celestial seasonings. Its a bagged tea that like to enjoy when im so tired but cant sleep!

    1. Thanks for reading the blog, Staci. I keep trying different flavors of tea but always come back to Peppermint. I have lots of nights that I can't sleep & I have some Sleepytime. I'll have to see if it really works.
