Wednesday, January 15, 2020

It's National Hat Day, and National Bagel Day, as well as National Strawberry Ice Cream Day!
(I couldn't choose just one to celebrate today.)

Do you own a hat that isn't a baseball cap?  I think that's the only kind of hat in our house.
I'll just read a book about hats or try to pitch cards into a hat like the scene in Groundhog Day.  The obvious hat book is The Cat in the Hat by Dr. Seuss, but one of my kid's favorite hat books was Caps for Sale by Esphyr Slobodkina.  And what's the name of the Eastman children's book with the line, "Do you like my hat?"  That's a fun book too.

I bought bagels and cream cheese to celebrate with my coworkers.  I think we've had sweet treats at work every day this year so far.  Nothing like setting expectations early - no dieting going on around here.

Speaking of sweet treats, do you like strawberry ice cream with chunks of strawberries in it?  My grandson, Caleb, works at Culvers so we might need to pay a visit there today.  Although, it's not "ice cream," it's "custard," as Caleb keeps telling me.

Will you indulge in either of these treats on this special day?  While wearing a hat?

As we enjoy today, let's remember Proverbs 30:33 and seek harmony.  For as churning cream produces butter [or ice cream], and as twisting the nose produces blood so stirring up anger produces strife.


  1. Go Dog Go- No, I do not like your hat! I’ll have to make it a hat day.
    And those bagels are my kids favorite flavor. The size is perfect too.

    1. Thanks for stopping by and commenting. I'll have to reread Go Dog Go. I miss having an excuse to read kids books. The bagels went fast at work! They are a perfect size and they were just sweet enough.
