Sunday, March 8, 2020

Happy International Women's Day & the Start of Daylight Savings Time

The official color of International Women's Day is PURPLE.  Take time to learn about the contributions of women through history - Marie Curie, Rosa Parks, Mother Teresa, to name a few.  History Extra has an interesting article naming the 100 Women Who Changed the World.  Check it out.

So, we lost an hour while we slept last night.  I think it was transported to an alternate reality where it lives with lost socks and lidless containers.  The world of lost things.  I read that Americans spend 2 1/2 hours a year looking for lost things.  Here's a list of the most popular things we lose.
1. TV remotes
2. Cell phones
3. Cars & Keys (be real, how many of us have wandered around a parking lot trying to remember where we parked)
4. Glasses
5. Shoes
6. Wallets/Purses

I wish weight was on this list.  Why is THAT so hard to lose?  We've mourned our losses through song and show - I Lost My Heart in San Francisco, You've Lost That Lovin' Feelin', Raiders of the Lost Ark, Lost in Space, and Toy Story movies are all about lost toys.

Have YOU ever been lost?  I used to get lost a lot.  I would invariably choose to go the wrong way around Washington, DC.  Fortunately the beltway is a circle so eventually I ended up where I was trying to go.  My cousins and I got lost in the woods once.  That was actually a lot of fun.  I lost my first pair of earrings down the bathroom sink and we miraculously found them in the bottom of a box of Christmas decorations 6 months later - true story.
What's the old saying?  Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most.

Luke 19:10 For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.

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