Sunday, March 15, 2020

Happy National Peanut Lovers Day & It's the Ides of March

William Shakespeare keeps the Ides of March alive through his writing of Julius Caesar.  "Beware, the Ides of March."
The Romans considered the Ides of March (today) as a deadline for settling debts.  How much debt do you have?  Can you imagine having to settle it (pay up) today?  That's enough to beware of it!

Enough about debt.

I wonder if peanuts are a delicacy for elephants.  Peanuts are so small and elephants are so big; maybe they eat them by the bucketful.  Do you remember the steak house where people threw peanut shells on the floor?  I didn't like that place.  It's hard enough to teach kids to pick up after themselves and that just defeats the purpose and creates bad manners and potential lawsuits for walking hazards.

Did you know:
It takes around 540 peanuts to make one 12-oz jar of peanut butter.
Studies show that people who eat nuts regularly live 2-3 years longer than non-nut eaters.
Archibutyrophobia is the fear of getting peanut butter stuck to the roof of your mouth.
Half of the world's nuts are poisonous to people.

How do you like your peanut butter?
On a spoon?
In a cookie?
As a sandwich?
From the shell?
Surrounded by chocolate?
In a comic strip?
In a box surrounding breakables?

Here's some free advice on slowing down the Corona virus from my grandson, Aaron.  It's a conversation he and his mom had recently.
So Aaron was asking me about Corona virus before I dropped him off this morning...
Aaron:  What is it anyway?
Mom:  Just a virus you can get like a bad cold or pneumonia.  You just have to make sure you're washing your hands like you're supposed to and try not to touch your face so the germs don't get in your body through your mouth or nose.
Aaron:  So you need to not lick people either.
Mom:  Yes, I will do my best to stop licking everyone.  😂 😛

Romans 13:7 Give to everyone what you owe them; if you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor.

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