Saturday, March 7, 2020

Happy National Cereal Day

If you don't like cereal, it's also National Celery Month, and National Peanut Month.

Cereal is another versatile food.  You can eat it dry straight out of the box or in a bowl with milk, hot or cold.  It's a great snack and easy to transport.  There are SO many cereal types.  Remember when Wheaties had different people's pictures on the box?  I guess they still do, I don't buy Wheaties and haven't noticed.  Another perk of cereal back in the day was the free and cheap toy offers on the back of the boxes.  I remember my mom sent away for a doll that had black hair just like mine (used to be).  Then there were the cereals with the prize hidden in the box.  Those created a scramble to find and snag the prize!  On a cold day, you could have oatmeal or cream of wheat.  We used to eat Kellogg's Corn Flakes with the big rooster on the box.  And when my kids came along Kellogg's was making Frosted Mini-Wheats with fruit in the middle.  Yum!  How many households feed their babies General Mills' Cheerios?  That cereal seems to be everywhere you go and it comes in so many different flavors now.  Remember Mikey who wouldn't eat anything?  What cereal was that?

What's your favorite cereal?  Do you eat it as a snack, in a bowl, as a coating or topping for another food?  Do you add fruit to your cereal?

Remember to move your clocks back an hour before you go to bed.  If it's 10 pm, the new time will be 11 pm.

Psalm 78:24 He (God) rained down manna for the people to eat, He gave them the grain of heaven.

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