Monday, March 9, 2020

Happy National Crabmeat Day & National Meatball Day & National Workplace Napping Day

There's something here for everyone and if you're still wanting, it's National Irish American Heritage Month, National Celery Month, National Frozen Food Month, and National Peanut Month.

Being from Baltimore, I've participated in some crab fests.  My lovely Aunt Joyce always picked the meat out of the crab for me, even to this day.  It's an art, and a chore.  I tried making crab soup once but didn't like how it turned out.  When I'm in Maryland in April, I need to go to a good seafood restaurant on the Eastern Shore and get some good crab soup.  All Recipes has a Maryland Crab Cake recipe that sounds easy enough.  I might try that too.

Most people will probably enjoy celebrating National Meatball Day more than Crabmeat Day.  Meatballs are pretty versatile.  They can be made from ground beef or ground turkey.  They can top spaghetti, hide in subs, be combined with rice in Porcupines, or as finger food with BBQ sauce.  Sweet & Savory has a good Porcupine Meatball recipe.  You have to click through several other recipes to get to it, but they sounded good too.  Definitely worth looking at and making.

National Napping Day is the day after the return to Daylight Savings time when we lost an hour of sleep.  According to checkiday, "National Workplace Napping Day is not about sleeping during times that are designated for work, but about the need for breaks during the workday that allow time for napping to take place.  The goal of the day is to make workplace naps as acceptable as lunch breaks, walk breaks, and time standing around the water cooler or coffee pot."  I don't know about all that.  Just don't get into trouble for napping at work.  Probably should nap in the car during lunch and set your alarm so you aren't late returning.  Although, we should have recouped the hour on Sunday.

Proverbs 6:10-11 A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest - and poverty will come on you like a thief and scarcity like an armed man.

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